Research Methodology

You’ve selected a topic for your project and you have a sense of what is to be uncovered during your research. But then the next question that crops up – How exactly do you plan to go about it? That’s where research methodology comes in.

Research methodology combines the methods and instruments used for research along with the reasoning behind their use. At first glance it seems simple and straightforward – after all, the selection of different methods is based on your objectives and available resources. But it’s pretty easy to get confused by the volumes of information that exist about this topic and selection of the wrong methodology can be fatal to the outcome of your work.

What do we offer at Rehoboth?

Our team of experts can help guide you in your selection of the correct methodology. We can also help critically evaluate the course of action that you have already plotted and help you judge if it is the best plan. We have experience dealing with both qualitative and quantitative research.

Qualitative research methodology

If you’re interested in getting the complete picture about your topic, going beyond the fundamental ‘what’ and ‘how’, then you might be dealing with qualitative research. Notably, work in this field does not involve any empirical analysis. Instead, it focuses on describing what the researcher experiences and elucidates the findings. You might consider using any of the following categories of research for your project:

  • Thematic analysis – Themes or patterns that occur in collected data are analysed to understand more about the phenomenon.
  • Case Study – Perhaps all you want to do is study a single event rather than a huge number of people. That’s where case studies come in and are vital to examine unusual circumstances as well as to add to existing repositories of literature.
  • Ethnography – Sometimes, it’s the participants that grab your attention. Understanding them and their culture better can be a subject of research by itself.
  • Narrative – People have stories to tell and their words hold a great deal of importance. If your research includes testimonies by participants, either written or verbal, then you might be working on a narrative form of research.

Quantitative Research

If you think that empirical analysis and statistical techniques are going to play key roles in your work, then you might want to consider chalking out a quantitative approach to your research. Simply put, the information generated in the course of such research is either numerical already or can be transmuted into numbers that give a meaningful result. Similar to qualitative research, there are several types of quantitative approaches, such as correlational and descriptive. We also offer additional data analysis services. For more information please Click Here

We’ve only scratched the surface here and sometimes you might combine two or more methods for the most effective result. It’s understandable that things can get more than a little confusing. And that’s why we’re here to offer any guidance that we can to make this process a little simpler for you.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us. We’re happy to help.

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